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Chapel Service

Daily Chapel time 9.10 am. – 9.30 am.

Worship is a core value of our culture. Each day begins as staff and students gather for a corporate time of worshiping God. Each week we see our students reach a deeper level in accessing the heart of God as they worship together as a class.

Daily chapel is at the center of our shared life together. It is in this sacred time and space that members of the community gather to lift our hearts in prayer and praise to God. The daily ritual of chapel gently cultivates spiritual disciplines such as silence and gratitude, and sets aside a space in the midst of our often busy and fast-paced lives to reflect on our lives and who God is calling us to be.

In chapel, students might hear a speech from their teachers, or their classmates, they might enjoy a musical or artistic offering, they might celebrate the life of a saint, they might engage in a time of quiet contemplation, or they might have an opportunity to learn about and experience another faith tradition.

We encourage our students to get involved and pursue ways to use the gifts God has given them to serve and bless those around them. Here are just a few options for worship in a secular way.